Our Community has a vibrant ministry to the poor in Trinidad – the physically poor and the spiritually poor. In a world where the illiterate, hungry, homeless and destitute spill on to our streets every day, we see the need for basic care, nourishment and self-development programmes managed in an efficient, cost-effective manner. All of this is made possible through the generosity of those who support us by Deeds of Covenant, Donations, Charitable Foundations, Legacies, Fundraising and, of course, our many satisfied customers who visit our Bookstore and Coffee Shop. Every day we are making our dreams a reality, for Frederick Street is more than a facility to many of us, it is the heart of Living Water and it is the staff of dedicated volunteers that make it a home away from home. Living Water Community is a Catholic Ecclesial Community which began in Port of Spain, Trinidad in 1975. It was founded by Rhonda Maingot (left) and Rose Jackman when they responded to a call from God to “light a fire of love” in the hearts of God’s people. In 1980, 150 persons made covenant with the Community and today there are over 500 covenanted members in the Community, with “tributaries” also in San Fernando and Saba, N.A., Barbados and St Lucia, who come together to share prayer, worship, and to receive instruction with a view to growing in the spiritual life. Out of this prayer experience comes a desire to serve. This is facilitated by in-depth teachings in Catholic Spirituality. The hub of Living Water Community is the ‘Centre’ which has been the Community’s home since 1981 when we took a giant step in faith and bought a building with no money… and then renovated it to accommodate our needs! In the interim our needs have grown and so has the structure of the building, expanding to include the property next door with another floor added. living-water-community_548af22e86881_800 The Community extends to San Fernando, as the southern branch known as Nazareth House, comprising about 100 members. Nazareth House keeps the ‘living water’ flowing with its ministry to the poor, prayer meetings, retreats, prayer and counselling.